Parents Ministry

Parents Ministry

We know that parenting is beautiful, exciting, challenging, and many other things! That is why at Trinity UMC it is our desire to support parents and guardians as they journey with their children through all of the stages of development and life. Trinity UMC Family Ministry Team has done much work to gather resources for parents, organize a support group for Mom’s, and to have times for families to be together in a loving and positive environment.

Parent Resources:

The journey of parenting and raising children or teens is not something that you have to do alone! We believe that God is present and Jesus offers good news in every stage of life, no matter what. As children, and parents, grow through each stage of development there are new experiences and challenges. We have organized a strong list of free resources for parents in a library in our church fellowship hall. These resources address things like:

  • Talking about faith

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Mental Health

  • Sexual Integrity

These resources are based on both Biblical wisdom and child development. These resources are age specific and appropriate to help you as a parent or guardian with the challenging conversations.

Parent Day:

In addition to parent resources, we also believe that it is important to walk personally with parents throughout the journey of parenthood. We know that families are busy, and the lives of parents are full. We seek to be supportive of parents and to have gatherings that are meaningful. Parent Day is one resource that we offer at the beginning of the school year. Parent Day is a time of support, fellowship, and connection to resources that the church has to offer to benefit your family and faith journey. If you are interested in Parent Day or any of our parent resources, please click the “learn more” button below to complete an interest form.

Mom’s Group

Being a Mom is special, and we want to support you as a mother. Mom’s Group meets once a month on a Saturday morning. Mom’s Group is a time of fellowship, support, encouragement, devotion, and sometimes just plain fun! We always supply childcare during Mom’s Group so that you can have the opportunity to gather with other mom’s without worrying. If you are interested in learning more or being a part of Mom’s Group, please click the “learn more” button below to complete an interest form.